Tuesday, November 30, 2010

12/7 『服事』4.3 & 5.1 功課

Please read 『服事』操練手冊4.3 &5.1 and fill out the survey form by 12/6 (Mon).


1. Please briefly share any conviction you have, and what you experienced after practicing the action plans in "Service" workbook 4.3 & 5.1.

2. Have you ever ignored or belittled someone because he/she is not important to you, you are too busy, too tired or it's inconvinient? What actions did you take after reading these chapters?

3. Did you avoid taking on some tasks or casually finish because they are too tedious or they are not as important or influential before people?

4. List one thing you can do to bless your fellowship or small group.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Group Member List

A) Nancy, Andy, Eirene, Steven, Anna,
Amy, Leo, Marian,
B) Sky, Kellie, Xuilei, Perer, Alice, Jeff,
Kedi, Tiff, Alvan

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Inner Life Training schedule

11/30 - 大衛的生平(二)
領會: Group A. - Steven; Group B. Alvan
背經: Group A. - Leo; Group B - Jeff
摘要: Group A - Amy; Group B - Tiffany

12/7 - 服事4.3, 5.1 (I will send out homework soon)
領會: Group A. - Anna; Group B. Kedi
背經: Group A. - Nancy; Group B - Kellie
摘要: Group A - Andy; Group B - Sky

12/14 - SOTM (the scriptures I emailed last time)
領會: Group A. Nancy
Group B. Xuelei

12/21 - Prayer